Tuesday, May 8, 2012

Overcome Procrastination and Get Motivated

Weight Loss Meal Plans - Overcome Procrastination and Get Motivated
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Do you know about - Overcome Procrastination and Get Motivated

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Procrastination in some form affects us all. It is present in everyone's life, so don't feel like you are the only one fighting this battle. The truth is, we all have things - tasks, chores, projects, decisions, or actions that we delay or put off.

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How is Overcome Procrastination and Get Motivated

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We all enjoy the comfort of doing what is fun and easy. Who certainly wants to do things that are difficult, challenging, uncomfortable, tedious, hard, or boring? Here is our dilemma: we procrastinate because, as "immediate gratification" people we enjoy the short-lived satisfaction of not doing what we don't want to do. We get to stay in our comfort zones and avoid the pain we dislike feeling. However, by doing so, we create longer-term, more severe conditions, such as low self-esteem, feeling unworthy, guilt, jealously, anxiety, and stress.

Rather than get into a multi-layered discussion on procrastination, I'm going to list eleven ways to beat it.

One. Stop asking Why.

Most of us desire to know why things happen. I used to always say that if I knew why something happened - either I liked it or not - I could learn to accept it. Procrastination, although a very personal issue, is also a universal issue. people want to know why it is so hard to get things done. They want to know why they defer taking action.

People don't want to do what they don't want to do. It's that simple. But life often brings us tasks that Have to be done in order to live in this world. We resent that, so we get introspective and try to find out why we don't want to do determined things. This in itself is a form of procrastinating.

Stop asking why. Accept that we all procrastinate, that there are things we'd rather not do but nevertheless must be done. Stop thinking about it. In order to overcome procrastination, you must Do something; you must act.

Two. Face the Truth

Sometimes, simply being aware can bring an entirely new, refreshing perspective to a situation. When it comes to procrastinating, measure the short-term gains (that are certainly losses anyway) against the long-term negative consequences. Reality will show you that procrastinating is only going to hurt you, and make it harder for you in the future. It is a behavior based on beliefs, and beliefs are nothing more than our thoughts repeated over and over inside us. Convert your thoughts. Identify that it is good to get things done. You will feel productive, satisfied that you have done something, no matter how small. This give you great self-esteem, removes guilt for not acting, and reduces stress. Achievement yields acknowledgement. You will Know that you've done well.

Three. Lead Yourself Not Into Temptation.

Sometimes you just have to fight the desire to procrastinate. In the movie, The Outlaw Josey Wales. Clint Eastwood tells his group, "When all looks bad, and it looks like you're not going to make it, you have to get mean, plain mad-dog mean. Because, if you give up, then you neither win nor live. That's just the way it is."

Just get mean with the desire to postpone the activity at hand. Overcome it by sheer force of will if necessary. Remind yourself of how good you will feel once the task is completely, and you can take pride in the achievement. Remember, this applies not matter how small the task may be. It's not the quantity or magnitude of the undertaking, it is the capability of the achievement.

Four. Program Your Success.

When you have a task to do, Program it on your calendar, in your day planner, on a computer, on a post-it note stuck to your refrigerator, or any way else you can. Give the task the same weight of point you would your or your child's doctor's appointment, or the filing date for your taxes with the Irs. If it means enough to Program it, it will mean enough to do it!

Five. Focus.

Don't let your mind rove all over the place thinking about what other things you could be doing. Turn off your home phone and cell phone. Get out of Facebook, Internet email, or any other online distractions you may have. If it applies, clear your desk of all but the task at hand. Get all ready in improve - make sure you have laundry soap, trash bags, the vacuum is cleaned out, you have the ingredients you need to make the meal, etc. Focus just on getting the job before you done. Then, after you've achieved that, you can recompense yourself with something!

Six. Talk it Up.

When you tell others that you plan on doing something, or accomplishing something, it gives you a sense of social accountability. Even if those you tell never mention it or ask about it again, you have given yourself that feeling that they are watching you and noticing if you do what you claim you will.

Seven. Get Support.

You can't always count on people to have your best interest at heart. They have their own best interest at heart, and if they are procrastinators, they may just want you to remain one too. Misery loves company. Make sure you impart your activity to your house so as to make sure there are no conflicts. If you have to re-schedule your activity around the needs of your spouse or children, that's okay, but don't abandon your task. Just adjust the timing of its achievement.

Eight. Make the Big Things Small Things

When you have a large task or problem to handle, it can seem overwhelming. Where do you start? There is so much to do, and it's scary. Don't fall victim to this mindset. There is an easy fix.

Take the large task and simply break it down into smaller, more manageable steps. Think about it this way: conclude the order of things that must occur in order to perfect the task, and then simply do each one as a task in itself. You will enjoy the fulfilling feeling of accomplishment as you perfect each step, and before you know it, the whole task will be done!

Feeling overwhelmed is a major contributor to procrastination, and by production big things small, you eliminate this obstacle.

Nine. Clear Your Mind

Procrastination is a mindset. If you are like most of us, as the time approaches to begin working on a task, you will begin to think about the guess you certainly don't want to do it. Your opinion are remarkable and capable of detouring you away from acting. When this happens, you have a choice to make. If you give in, you will miss your scheduled task and afterwards feel terrible. If you conclude to push through, you will feel the satisfaction that comes with accomplishment.

Check Your Thoughts. If you are thinking about putting your task off, Convert what you are thinking about. Clear your mind of the task. Think about something else. Think about something that makes you happy. Think about how blessed you are - even if you are in a place you hate and are struggling.

Then, at your scheduled time, just begin your task.

Ten. Have a Back Up Plan for Emergencies

Life happens. Sometimes things don't go as planned. That's okay. Reconsider those kinds of things and be flexible enough to allow for them, but Don'T cancel your scheduled task. simply set another time to do it - not so far out that you've certainly only used the urgency as a tool of procrastination, but as soon as you can perhaps get to it.

Eleven. Ideas Re-Set.

None of us are perfect. Even though the benefits are exceptional, trying to conquer procrastination is not easy. There are times when you will fail. These are critically prominent moments. When failure comes, don't let guilt, shame, or frustration take over. Keep yourself centered and positive. Don't sit around wondering why you failed. Just re-set your mind, re-focus your intentions, and move on. Do the tasks at hand, just as you had planned on. The past cannot be reclaimed. You have a new opening any time you want it.

Twelve. Do Something Every Day.

Consistency and persistence pay great rewards. When you commit to doing something - large or small - you begin to re-program your mind with thoughts of accomplishment. Your self-esteem and trust begin to grow. You perceive the benefits of achievement, and the desire to put things off diminishes. Do something every day and you will eliminate procrastination from your life. A great quote reads, "The harder I work, the luckier I get." The more you work as accomplishing your tasks, the luckier you get and the more you accomplish.

Nike has it right... "Just do it!"

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