Wednesday, May 30, 2012

Microbiotic Diet - A Low Fat Way of Dieting

Weight Loss Meal Planner - Microbiotic Diet - A Low Fat Way of Dieting
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Do you know about - Microbiotic Diet - A Low Fat Way of Dieting

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There are many diets to reconsider when you wish to convert your eating habits, lifestyle, health, and weight.

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How is Microbiotic Diet - A Low Fat Way of Dieting

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George Ohsawa, who promoted that a simple lifestyle produced confident health benefits, created the microbiotic diet. The diet was comprised of ten restrictive steps, forcing the dieter to exhibit a great deal of self-control.

For example, the last stage of the microbiotic diet involves the dieter intriguing only brown rice and water. Diet planners, due to its excessive restriction no longer advise this first version of the microbiotic diet.

Well Being

The microbiotic diet appeals to some because it not only focuses on the bodily well being of a dieter, but also deals with the spiritual and planetary aspects of health.

The microbiotic way of dieting is low in fat, as well as high in fibre. Vegetarians could authentically succeed this diet because the diet places emphasis on vegetables and whole grains.

The microbiotic diet calls for low amounts of sugar, dairy items, and meat.

Soy products

Soy products are also an integral part of the diet because they consist of phytoestrogens, notion to have confident effects on cholesterol levels, menopause, as well as some types of cancers. This is why patients who are suffering from cancer or other lasting diseases have followed this precise regimen.

The phytoestrogens may also prove beneficial in the prevention of estrogen-related cancers like breast cancer. It is prominent not to confuse this healthy way of eating with a cure for serious healing conditions and diseases.

Whole Grains

When following the microbiotic diet, 50-60% of each meal will consist of whole grains, along with brown rice, barley, millet, rye, corn and buckwheat. This diet allows an occasional meal with rolled oats, noodles, pasta, bread or baked products.


Each day, 1 to 2 bowls or cups of soup are required. It is recommend that a dieter choose shoyu or miso, which contains fermented soybeans.


Vegetables make up 25-30% of the daily food intake, where 1/3 of the vegetables should be eaten in their raw state. Boiling, steaming, baking or sautéing should prepare any other vegetable portions.


10% of the daily food intake should consist of cooked beans. Bean products such as tofu or tempeh can also be eaten.

Cooking Oil

The most coarse cooking oil used when preparing meals is dark sesame oil. Additional oils to reconsider consist of light sesame oil, corn oil, as well as mustard seed oil.


Natural sea salt, shoyu, brown rice vinegar, grated ginger root, fermented pickles, roasted sesame seeds and sliced scallions are some of the seasonings that can be used when adding flavor to foods.

When it comes to animal by-products while on the microbiotic diet, small amounts of fish or seafood are proper each week.

Dieters should stay away from eggs, dairy, meat, and poultry.

When eating fish or seafood, microbiotic dieters should consume horseradish, wasabi, ginger, or mustard in order to aid in the detoxification process against the effects of the seafood.

Other foods allowed while on the microbiotic diet consist of the moderate consumption of seeds or nuts, as well as desserts such as apples and dried food.

Dieters should not consume sugar, honey, molasses, chocolate, or carob.


Several times a week, the diet permits fruit such as pears, peaches, apricots, grapes, berries, and melons. Avoid tropical fruits, such as pineapples and mangoes.

The microbiotic diet can be tailored to fit individuals depending on their age, gender, health concerns, as well as climate and seasonal factors.

Side Effects

There are a few side effects associated with this diet. confident nutrients are not absorbed into the body straight through this diet, such as protein, vitamin B12, iron, magnesium, and calcium. This can influence a dieter by lowering their vigor levels, as well as lead to health complications.

Some nutritionists frown upon this diet because they feel it is too restrictive.

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