Wednesday, July 4, 2012

How to Lose an Inch With a Quick and Easy Diet Plan

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Do you know about - How to Lose an Inch With a Quick and Easy Diet Plan

Meal Plan For Weight Loss! Again, for I know. Ready to share new things that are useful. You and your friends.

Want to lose an inch with our quick and easy diet plan? Find out which foods to eat and which to avoid to speed up weight loss. Woman and home magazine's lose an inch diet will help you lose weight fast and easily. Here are the foods to enjoy and the ones to avoid to shed weight, sell out bloating and shape your waist.

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How is How to Lose an Inch With a Quick and Easy Diet Plan

We had a good read. For the benefit of yourself. Be sure to read to the end. I want you to get good knowledge from Meal Plan For Weight Loss.

Food to enjoy:
Fresh veg and salad ingredients - anything with a high water and fibre content will speed your weight loss.
Fresh fruit - any kind is fine, but anything with a high colour is certainly good for you. Red/blue berries top the list.
New dairy - missing milk? Try rice or soya milk on porridge or in tea. The odd blob of soya yogurt is fine on porridge too.
New grains - whole brown rice, brown rice noodles, 100 per cent rye crispbreads and rice cakes are okay, but keep them to breakfast and lunch only.
Protein - select fish, eggs, chicken, turkey, lean, fat-trimmed lamb or beef, lentils, chickpeas, tofu or Quorn.
Water - two litres a day is essential. Herbal teas can be part of it. Green, Rooibos and Yerba Mate teas are said to help with weight loss.
Good dressings - use the dressings in our recipes instead of the bottled stuff. Alternatively, drizzle over olive oil and lemon juice, pumpkin seed or sesame oil.

Foods to avoid:
Potatoes - and this time no sweet potatoes either. Sorry, but it's only three weeks and you'll thank us for it later.
Sugar - do we have to remind you? Skip it in all its disguises and drop it from tea and coffee too.
Dairy - this includes all cheeses, butter, cream, yogurt and milk. Yes, even goat's and sheep's cheese!
Wheat - we have nothing against it particularly, but bread, pasta, biscuits, pies and pastries are going to slow your weight loss down, so skip it for now.
Processed foods - that includes ready- meals, processed meats (like salami and pastrami), cakes, pastries and desserts.
Coffee and tea - the totally hooked should stick to decaff, but make sure the caffeine has been removed using the water process recipe - best for you.
Naughty dressings - that means ready-made sauces, salad dressings, mayonnaise and table sauces.

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