Wednesday, August 1, 2012

extra Diet Plan - Enjoy wonderful health Benefits

Do you know about - extra Diet Plan - Enjoy wonderful health Benefits

About six years ago, I had a disposition medical check up. When the tests were completed, my Dr. Told me I was a walking heart attack or stroke victim. You see, I was over 40 years old, and overweight to the point of obesity. I was carrying around an excess of 75 pounds.

What I said. It isn't outcome that the real about Weight Loss Meal Plan. You read this article for info on anyone need to know is Weight Loss Meal Plan.

How is extra Diet Plan - Enjoy wonderful health Benefits

We had a good read. For the benefit of yourself. Be sure to read to the end. I want you to get good knowledge from Weight Loss Meal Plan.

Other Doctors had advised me to lose weight, but never quite as bluntly. I had promised to lose weight, and I had tried hard to get rid of the extra pounds, but without much success. I had gotten so frustrated that I had given up, and resigned myself to be overweight for the rest of my life.

Somehow, that last time that I was asked by my Dr. To lose weight, something clicked in my brain, and I just decided that the excess weight was going to come off.

About five and a half to six months later, I had lost 75 pounds.

So how did I do it, you may ask?

I went on a special eating plan. Here are the basic details of my plan:

First, you are never hungry because you eat five or six small meals each day. That means that you get to eat every two and a half to three hours. So, just about the time that you start mental about food because your appetite is coming back, it's time to eat again.

So you treat yourself to other small feast, and hunger never gets a opening to bother you.

I'm sure you've heard of this plan before, of eating three to four times per day, although with the diet plan I followed, you improve this to five or six small meals per day.

So, what's the big deal with this diet plan?

As the old saying goes, "the devil is in the details." I will go into the details a microscopic supplementary on.

Now, I'd like to briefly cover some spectacular, health benefits that I personally experienced. These health benefits may not seem much of a concern to my younger readers, but if you are over 40 years old, you should pay special attention.

The American people today shares a common problem, obesity. One out of three people in this country are believed to be overweight. Unfortunately, the age at which people are seeing themselves overweight is getting lower and lower. Therefore what I am about to enumerate from my own feel should be of interest to many people regardless of their age.

My situation was that after being very salutary for a long time while I was young, as the years passed I finally run into a common question that comes as we age, or as we find ourselves overweight, regardless of age.

I am referring to two conditions that seem to accompany being overweight. Your blood pressure and your cholesterol levels may rise into the danger zone. Even if you feel you are healthy, your blood pressure and your cholesterol levels can be dangerously high.

The worst question is that neither of these conditions make you feel sick. You just continue on your merry way mental everything's alright with your health. You don't even think about these issues.

What normally happens is that a bad cold or sinus infection, or some other minor health issue causes you to go to your Dr. And after taking care of your cold or sinus question or other minor issues, your Dr. Tells you that he would like to have some blood work done on you. And you reluctantly comply, just to get the Dr. Off your back.

When the results come back, you are requested to see your Dr. Again, and that's when you learn that either your blood pressure or your cholesterol, or both, are way too high.

What happened to me was that both my blood pressure and cholesterol were too high. I was settled first on one medication to operate my blood pressure, then on two medications and finally on three medications for high blood pressure. My cholesterol was too high, but I was borderline for needing medication, so my Dr. Decided to wait and just monitor my condition.

Now, fast send a few months to the time I had been on my special diet plan for a while. I had lost a lot of weight, and I was still on three blood pressure medications. At my Dr.'s suggestion, I bought a gismo to check my blood pressure every day at home.

As I started losing significant weight, my blood pressure started to fall.

Finally, my blood pressure was so low that I got implicated about it. My Dr. Took me off two of the blood pressure medications. As my weight loss continued, I was taken off all blood pressure medication. At my new, and considerably lower weight, my blood pressure was lower than the new recommended level which is 120/80. I was indubitably below that level without any medication!

My cholesterol level had stabilized, except for my triglycerides which were still high before I was done losing all that weight. My Dr. Explained to me that triglycerides are a key factor in evaluating a person's cholesterol.

When I had finally lost 75 pounds, my blood pressure, without medication settled at a point below the medically recommended level. And my cholesterol, including my triglycerides was significantly below the median which is thought about medically safe.

How did all this happen?

It happened plainly as a side advantage of spending almost six months on my special diet plan. The excess weight I lost may well have added years to my life.

As a way of dramatizing the importance of my weight loss, I calculated that my weight loss amounted to "cutting off" 26% of my former body mass.

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