Sunday, August 5, 2012

Crazy Weight Loss Tricks That well Work! These Are the Best Tricks For Fast Weight Loss!

Do you know about - Crazy Weight Loss Tricks That well Work! These Are the Best Tricks For Fast Weight Loss!

Are you sure you know everything there is to know about slimming down? Well, there might be a few crazy weight loss tricks and facts that you have never heard of:

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How is Crazy Weight Loss Tricks That well Work! These Are the Best Tricks For Fast Weight Loss!

We had a good read. For the benefit of yourself. Be sure to read to the end. I want you to get good knowledge from Weight Loss Meal Planner.

Wine is less fattening than mineral water: Women who like to relax after work by drinking a glass of wine, have an additional one hypothesize to keep doing it: according to a new study, a glass of wine is even less fattening than mineral water. Also, the moderate drinkers of the female population have a reduced risk for obesity compared to women who abstain from alcohol. In fact, scientists have found that women who drink red wine are likely to gain less fat than those who stick to mineral water. These findings emerged from a study in a sample of 19,000 women and contradict the guidance given by most nutritionists to abstain from alcohol, if you want to lose weight. The scientists who carried out the study (which was published at the Archives of Internal medicine journal) say that fat that procure from alcohol have a smaller succeed on weight compared to the fat derived from other foods. They also point out that the way in which the body responds to alcohol is more involved than what we had belief until now. according to one theory, the livers of those drinking regularly, make a separate metabolic pathway to break down the alcohol, and the extra vigor is mostly converted into heat rather than fat. However, this only applies to red wine and not to all beverages: women who drink red wine are much less fat, than women who prefer beer and other drinks. Eat late at night, put twice as much weight: Here is an additional one finding that contradicts what most nutritionists say. Nutritionists normally claim that the timing of meals is not important. Only the total estimate of fat consumed every day, are important. Well, a study published in the journal "Obesity", proved them wrong. U.S. Scientists have discovered that when we eat late at night we put on two times more weight, than when you eat earlier. The research team studied 2 groups, one of them eating at normal hours of the day and the other eating late at night. The second group put on twice as much body weight than those who ate earlier, even though they had the same levels of corporal activity and were eating the same quantities of food. according to the lead researcher, this is the hypothesize why population who work in shifts, tend to be overweight. Eating at inappropriate times of the day seems to conduce to weight gain. new studies have shown that the circadian rhythm (the internal 'clock' of the human body) plays an foremost role in how the body uses energy. It is believed that sleep, hormones and body climatic characteristic are contributing factors in how population store fat. Great planning of meals seems to be the key to reducing obesity rates.

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